Karma Yoga- the Science Ep 1

Ramayana Mahabharata

As a spiritual teacher (Guru), we often face questions from devotees regarding Bad Karma (Paap), but literally speaking there is not bad Karma or good Karma in this world. Every Karma is a draft of your Book of Experience – be it a good one or a bad one. This book of experience at the beginning remains your pocket dictionary about your perception of Life, but as time passes by, it won’t remain a pocket dictionary; rather that turns to a Britannica of Life and Mankind.

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Falling asleep during Meditation?


Falling Asleep during meditation is very much a common practice and a common phenomenon among the beginners. The thing might look simple by eyes, but at the back end there remains many robust aspects that governs it. Don’ need to panic either, as I will be answering to this question of yours with a detailed analysis and understanding, understanding which will resolve your condition entirely.

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Refine Bhakti to next level in Kali Yuga


Bhakti is something which has no fixed set of rules. in fact, this is true for all the forms of Yoga, but, still other forms do have some skeleton in them, based on which, rest of the idol will be erected. However that is not the case with Bhakti. This is the reason, why the devotees (bhakt) of all era had to face so rigorous tests, before they were accepted to be a bhakt. Kali is not so much a refined era, and in fact Kali Yuga is the yuga where the false will be given an emblem of purity.

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