Falling asleep during Meditation?


Falling Asleep during meditation is very much a common practice and a common phenomenon among the beginners. The thing might look simple by eyes, but at the back end there remains many robust aspects that governs it. Don’ need to panic either, as I will be answering to this question of yours with a detailed analysis and understanding, understanding which will resolve your condition entirely.

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Dasamahavidya : The Supreme Mysticism


Dasamahavidya are the ten divine forms of Adi Shakti, the ultimate Goddess in Hinduism. Each of the ten forms are associated with some of the secret mystic lessons, which are accessible by the incarnations and even for those saints, who reaches that caliber with their devotion, intention to love the world and with knowledge. The names of the ten forms are: Kamala, Bhairavi, Bagala, Matangi, Chinnamasta, Tara, Tripura Sundari, Kali, Bhubaneswari, Dhumabati. The names here has been arranged in accordance to their intensity regarding the 16 Kala Vidyas. Now, come to the explanation of each of the forms and the associated lessons or mystic knowledge

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Dasamahavidya, Asta Lakshmi, Navadurga and 16 Kala Vidya


Dasamahavidya are called the ten top Vidyas or ten top mystic lessons; same is the case with Asta Lakshmi and Navadurga. They are also called great 8 lessons and 9 lessons respectively, but you will find no proper explanation anywhere about the lessons they signify. Wherever you find the names of the super-powers, explanation of the deities is the only thing, with which you have to return. Similar is the case with 16 Kala Vidya, These are the 16 mystic lessons that strengthens an Incarnation. Those who manages to know at least something, plunge into a darkness about the Kalas and the Vidyas. The first question that comes here – Are the 16 Kalas different from that of 10 Mahavidyas or Asta Lakshmi Vidyas??

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Learn Bhakti Yoga in 2 minutes


“Bhakti yoga, also called Bhakti marga is a spiritual path or spiritual practice within Hinduism focused on loving devotion towards a personal god

… This is Wikipedia has to say. So, let’s start from this explanation itself. As we complete the analysis here, you will be able to awaken your bhakti and take that to the extreme stage too, and you will not take more than 2 minutes to do that.

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Global Warming – Actual Reason


Global warming – this is the sound of the earth now. Wherever you go, whatever you listen or see, or do, there is one single word – “Global Warming“. What it says! It says that human are consuming much energy and producing much more CFC (Greenhouse gas) to deplete the Ozone Layer… This act of human, through refrigerators, wastes, AC machines and Rocket/Satellite sending is , according to the modern scientists, increasing the temperature of the Globe.

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Sorrow – Basic two reasons


Joy and Sorrow, these two are the basic things that forms the life. Right from childhood till the old days, these are the two things that continues parallel in your life, as if the two sides of a ladder. But have you thought, what are the core reasons of this sorrow or joy?

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Migraine Pain – Get instant and permanent relief

Positive thinking

When I reached my doctor for treating my migraine pain, he said me to get relief out of my tensions. He guided me to stay away from sun, to stop late night jobs and also suggested me some medicines. It is near to 17 years from now, when I first developed migraine. Now, I sleep around 3 AM at night and get up from bed by 7 AM max. I treated my eyes by staring at sun and never fear anymore to stay at sunlight – no medicine – no migraine and no migraine pain. Astonished? Might be, but that is the reality.

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Drinking Wine is Good

Positive thinking

There is a concept in the world that drinking wine is very much harmful, but let me remind you something that you all know from your heart – the most precious element lies within either dreadful or insignificant material. Example? See the Diamond; it is found within the element, which is regarded to be a smiley of an utterly ugly looking mineral – Coal. See the lessons of life; they are available from sorrows only, which everyone fears. See the Amrit (nectar); which can be collected only after the acceptance of Kalkut (best of the poisons)…. The same thing goes with the Wine.

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