Hindu Gods : Universal Form

Hindu Gods are not at all any fictitious character but are the representation of some of the Universal forms – the governing instruments of the Universe. With rituals coming affront, and Vedas going back, the Universality has been entirely buried, but the eternity cannot die, hence truth has not also died. It is high time to dig out those truth and establish the same before the world. Its time for the mankind to get the right end support now from the eternally existent one.

Who are Hindu Gods?

I have earlier said that there is no different religion in the world and no different God. There is one and omnipresent god, with thousand names and millions of aspects. There are dozens of Universe with thousands of galaxies, millions of suns, millions of planets and hundreds of life-carrying earths. The connection between the Omnipresent God and the dozens of universe is the actual form of what you call as Religion. And about the religion, whom you name as religion, they are just the communities that evolved with time to explain the one and only religion that exists forever.

Hinduism is the name of the community that was given later on, after the formation of Christianity and Islam. Basically, there was need to give a name to this community, as i was not all alone, as it was earlier. hence, the name was given after the name of the river – Indus.

The transformation of Vedas to Hindu Gods

This is the community, which has its base and basis at the Vedas, at the Puranas and at the Vedanta. While the Vedas and Vedanta tell about the real cause of universe, the attributes of the different universal essences that makes the Universe stand and moving as it is, Puranas transform the same into a divine format and emblems each of the attributes some name to it.

Naturally, the quality of the Vedas and Vedanta, since extremely high were feared by the general and hence Puranas, with all the characters, their attributes and rituals became popular. What happened next is the immersion of the absolute or the universal divine forms and what came ahead is the Idols and rituals.

While Vedas were meant to make Human race enriched with divinity in its actual form, that idealism was completely cremated with the superstitious rituals and eventually yoga was overlapped with ritual enveloped worships. at the night end of Kali Yuga, its time to reestablish divinity, in its actual form.

To get that back, there are two ways – the first one is of course to establish Vedas again, but that will be a task that will not be touchy to the devotees. Hence the only way left out is to explain the real form or the Universal form of Hindu Gods .

Reality of Hindu Gods

The reality of Hindu Gods ? Is there any such reality, other than the tales? To be very much actual, the tales are the easy narration of the real Universal forms, that are assigned to the creation, maintenance and even destruction of the Universe. the Vedas states about those universal forms and also states the method of evoking and revoking each one of them. The Puranas simply transforms all those evokes and revokes to rituals and turns the core concept to the Divine Human-like stature, called Hindu Gods, for some specific purposes –

  • Making it easy for the general to understand the truth of Universe, who were either restricted to listen to Vedas, or were unable to understand the real sense and sensation of the mystery of the universe.
  • Turn the complex things into simple forms by applying attributes of an universal form in some nomenclatures, named as Hindu Gods. It is very much tough to keep the mind settled on something which is in energy format or like that. When that simple thing is explained in Human embodiment format, then it becomes easier for the generals to keep their mind stable on the idol figure of Hindu Gods.

Deterioration of Morality and concept of idolism

Till the time of Mahabharata, if we nurture the books and go by them word to word, we will find that Hindu Gods are all the names of respect, love and faith, but none of them was embed within hell lots of rituals. Simple practices were there and more focus was placed on meditating on the Divine force. The rituals were maintained in the Vedic chants and in the Yagnas (sacrifices) that were made.

However, the concept entirely changed from Dwapara to Kali. In Kali, morality of human race felt the draught and eventually started putting stresses on the rituals more. More the rituals, more became the importance of the Lord and gradually the entire sense and sensation of Hindu Gods collapsed, Now, the Hindu Gods are there, the concepts are also there, In fact, the concepts are encrypted in the shape, structure and the names of the Lords itself, but no explanations are made to state the Lord’s presence in the Universe all the time.

Naturally, the rituals turned into superstitions, which are followed without having knowledge of whatsoever they are and the Hindu Gods turned to idols and they could not be connected to their actual forms. Few here blames the Brahmanas, whereas other blames none, as they won’t have the idea about what they lost – the utmost thing that happened such is complete destruction of the rich philosophy of Hinduism. That Philosophy which had the courage and which even have the courage now to take up human heart to the lotus feet of Hindu Gods.

Demolition of Yoga

The entire concept’s demolition not only injected superstition among the Hindus, but have done even more damages. With the injection of superstitions, the real practice of Hinduism got terribly damaged and since following rituals are much easier than to make the real penances, people started praying to Hindu Gods and made that a medium to fulfil their desires. hence the real motto of Hinduism – Love lord for the sake of Loving her/him was thus lost.

Loss was not only in terms of Love or Bhakti only, but in all the forms of Yoga. See now – Yoga has turned to a material objective to keep oneself fit! While Hat-Yoga was once denied to be a segment of Yoga, practitioners of Hat-Yoga are regarded to be the spiritual masters!! – Might be for the reason that this is Kali Era, that this has been possible.

Whatever the thing is, the ultimate loss has to be burdened to the entire Human Race, which cannot be allowed to continue. Hence it is time to state what is actual Yoga, why it is; it is time to know what has formed the different shapes and names of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. It is not the time to establish Hinduism, but it is time to bring back Hinduism to her actual glow. “When Diamond Sparks, Human Rushes”. If Hinduism can be retrieved back to her original glow, which every intelligent person can evaluate and understand, then followers will naturally increase. Religion is a matter of heart – conversion by compulsion, by whichever mode only increases the number, but more such help-needed person increases the number of followers, poorer the community becomes, from her base.

Define Hindu Gods – Need of the Hour

Hinduism is not only the oldest of all the communities, but it is the base of all the concepts of religion. If the Skeleton is in good shape, the body also finds the shape at one or other time. Considering everything, the need of the hour states two things –

Both the things has been stressed out here in Kailash Utkarshini in two sets of categories. Follow them, following the links stated above and spread the word for the betterment of mankind.

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