Karma Yoga- the Science Ep 1

Ramayana Mahabharata

As a spiritual teacher (Guru), we often face questions from devotees regarding Bad Karma (Paap), but literally speaking there is not bad Karma or good Karma in this world. Every Karma is a draft of your Book of Experience – be it a good one or a bad one. This book of experience at the beginning remains your pocket dictionary about your perception of Life, but as time passes by, it won’t remain a pocket dictionary; rather that turns to a Britannica of Life and Mankind.

To be very much on the spotlight, there remains a nostalgia in the world and among mankind that Bad Karma (Paap) has to be left out. This does place a good butter on the bread, but the very butter can be poison for you, when you have high cholesterol. This sense of Paap or Bad Karma gradually creeps up in your mind and stops it from recognizing the truth – the only truth of this universe.

 The lesson that you will know after you complete this Lesson:  

  • The Real dreamer of the Universe according to Vedanta[1]
  • Karma Yoga is all about doing work and accepting fruits of those Karma[2]

Vedanta hymns the universal science of creation

Vedanta states that the world is a dream and is not a real life incidence, but many thinks that each human mind, rusted with thoughts of lust and greed of gold, are the dreamers of the world. Let me get into the thing logically –

Say for example, I and you are thinking and dreaming about the sky – is there any reason that we will be dreaming the same about the sky? Then how could the dream sky look blue to me and you together? No there is no reason to think that – but see; a drama writer dreams of a situation and when we read that drama, we both think in the same style – won’t we!  What comes out here in the day light is – we are not the dreamers, as Vedanta declared. The dreamer is someone else, and we are the dreams of her/his.

Let me get into the thing very much clearly and spontaneously. You dream during your sleep, where you find your husband/wife in it, who actually is lying deep in sleep beside you. Alongside, you dream about many characters, role of which is all played by you – isn’t it! You dream about hundreds of people, but in every case the one that lies within each character are you and you alone. Everyone in your dream feels, understand and strive for survival in the same condition, as we do in this universe.

This is the secret, Vedanta mentioned while saying the Universe is a dream. Actually she meant that – the world is the dream of Lord, where lord embodies himself/herself into millions and millions of forms, as you do in your dream.

This is the secret, Upanishad states while mentioning Urnanabha – Lord creates this universe and stays well within this web styled Universal creation, the same thing you do in your dreams.

Science of Karma and Karma Yoga

Now, answer me one thing, when you tell about Paap or Paapi, are you excluding the lord, who is seated deep inside your bosom? Can the Lord be a spectator of a Bad Karma? If not, then why do you yell – “I am a paapi and I have no way to go ahead in this life!”

Say me another thing – you say that this life of yours is doomed for you are a Paapi (evil) now! Who have done this evil – Your hands or your mind? Will this mind won’t take rebirth – a new body! Where will the bad Karma go then? Is bad Karma made of five elements (Panchabhoot), that it will get dissolved into those? So, you will remain an evil then too and for all the bodies, you will take on in your future – so, you mean that an evil can never be cured! Is it??

If you think in that fashion, you are extremely illogical and unrealistic in your life. We are the subject of the dream of Lord – how can we be evils? How can we do wrong act? How can we do Bad Karma?

We never do even. We only do work – Karma.  Just like giving a class test. This test bears some marks, which states how much you have studied and where exactly you lag behind. Life is also like that. You do Karma or activity. The activity bears some fruit. If you provide enough fertility to the soil of the plant, the fruit becomes naturally sweet, if not it lags the quality, as you find in the hybrid fruits.

When you eat that fruit, you extract some calorie out of it, from where eventually you store the nectar in your body nutrition. Similar is the case with Karma – you do work, you bear the fruit, you extract the experience from that fruit and finally you store the philosophy of life from that experience. This philosophy, you carry with yourself in your instinct, from body to body and eventually you find one day that every philosophy of life is known to you. No more addition frustrates you and we the spiritual teachers do nothing, but churn your stored philosophy to make you understand the Underline story of Life.


Karma Yoga is all about works and its fruits

This is the biggest area of confusion that every human face and even the top Yogi’s face too. Karma Yoga is the giant of giants who stands on a single hairline and covers the entire Universe bare feet.

You understood the science of Karma, gaining experience and storing philosophy of life, but still you are not clear about what we do actually. We human, runs away from accepting the fruits of work. Take this example –

An Honest Government employee, working to provide financial aids to the subjects, needed some essential bulk money. To get that he applies a secondary method by earning commission from all the subjects, whom he arranges for getting the financial aid. Now, as the government body hears this nuisance from the staff, govt arranges an investigation bench to get proofs of the act, the staff did. What the Government employee does now – he calls all the subjects, whom he had given financial aid and threatened them, saying “If you disclose my name, I will take care that from this time onwards, you will never get any financial aid”. Out of fear, the subjects never disclosed about the reality to the investigating officer.

The government officer felt very much confidence that he could avoid the fruits of his own work and then out of confidence, he made it a practice to ask for commission from the subjects, every time he arranges financial aid for these subjects. This thing carry on unless one day, when the employee felt sick with a cerebral attack. None – none of the villagers even look at him and when someone looks at him – it was too late. The employee was already paralyzed.

This is what human does. They run away from the fruits of their work and eventually create such a situation, when he would get thousand fruits in one fruit – brings lifetime sorrow as his/her life partner.

Questions now for all about Karma Yoga from the above case study

Question: Does the above mentioned person do any evil work?

Answer: No, he didn’t. He only did work and another work by not accepting the fruits of work – thus denied the Destiny. The fruits of his work are his personal property and neither nature, nor time stays in debt. Thus, fruits are always returned with some interests, calculated in compound rates.

Question: If this Karma is not an evil one, which one is an evil work?

Answer: There s nothing called Bad Karma or an evil work? Human, out of the rust of lust and gold, feel that they can easily get rid of the fruits of work and there they make the mistake. It is very much true that if you get the fruits of Karma, in this body itself, it adds much more efficiency to you, as you can recollect what you have done. Human do what… they do the work, and denies to accept the fruits of them… eventually, they puts off this life, but the fruits of work will never leave you. Eventually what happens, in your next body, you get immense pain and you cry then – “Oh God what wrong, I did in my past life that, this life is becoming so filthy for me!”

What you learnt from this episode of Karma Yoga

 So, you get by now a faintly clean Idea about the wrong practices we do…. But there are many more things that have to be said about Karma Yoga, to make you understand what exactly it is. Hence continue till the next part of the Understanding the science of Karma Yoga.

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