Bhakti Yoga – Art of Loving

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In the last three episodes regarding learning Bhakti Yoga in 2 minutes, we came across two major things –
1) We learned how to put the Lord in Debt
2) Accept anything that comes to you
Now is the time to cover the last of the three steps that I stated in learning Bhakti Yoga – The Art of Loving. Let’s get into the thing now and you will understand soon, what real love is and how much depth it usually has.

art of loving

Hymns of Love: Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti is all about love onto god – there is no doubt in that. But, the thing is that what love is actually – it is a very confusing thing to be understood. In today’s context especially, love has moved to such a confined dogmatism, that whenever the word Love is uttered, plenty of unwanted things comes to mind – Seduction, Expectation, Molestation, Compensation etc. etc.

Now question here is whether to call those as aspects of Love? You may now want to say that, those are human love, societal love; divine love is something else! Is it! Is there actually two kind of Love, or Love is one and unique – the same Love is there in Bhakti Yoga, and the same love in Society?

No, no, no! There is no two love, known to mankind – mankind knows only one kind of Love, and who knows it applies it in his/her personal life and also in case of his Bhakti to Lord. The contrary of this obvious before you – those who won’t know it applies the same seduction, expectation, molestation and compensation in their personal life as well as in Bhakti… Astonished?
Let’s check it out –

Who is a devotee? A Bhakt?

A person who sacrifices everything out of love for his/her lord is a devotee.

He who holds everything, enjoys every wealth, rushes in life in search of lust and at the end of the day, asks God’s protection for what he gained – he is not a devotee, cannot be! He is surely a kid of Lord, as all the creatures are, but cannot be a devotee.
In other word, every church goer, Mosque goer, Monastery goer, Temple goers are not devotees. A real devotee or a devotee in actual sense need not go to temples or churches, at all, as he/she makes his body the temple and loves the real God – the Soul as his lord. To him there is nothing called rituals – everything is ritual to him, what he does out of love and passion for lord. To him, there is nothing called Sin and Pious – he only believes in doing work and he knows that every work has its fruits and fruits are meant to develop experience for the doer.

So, the capitalist made society – you have enough designated the non-devotees as devotees and charmed up your dirty trade! Take this as the warning from God, to stop calling non-devotees as devotees. Your this practice has polluted the entire sect of Bhakti and entire sect of love and edged the entire human civilization at the exit gate of extinction!

Sacrifice in Bhakti and Love?

What it is? Is it a complete renunciation?

Those who knows it assuredly that they cannot love anyone from whom he/she cannot expect anything, has stopped reading the article and went away – I know it very well.
This is not a bad thing, but a really good thing for all of us. We can now reveal the secret of love and Bhakti, without any hesitation.

Coming to the topic, yes, love means complete renunciation, but you have to be very much clear about what is left out in this renunciation?

It is not that you will renounce all your duties to family members, your job and your society to show love or bhakti – what you have to leave is expectation/attachment to fruits of works done. Expectation is the thing that narrows down love and turns love into a trade practice – give and take. Love never knows to take anything away, but only knows to give – Give, Give & Give.

Broadening the Divine Love : Bhakti Essence

So, give, give & give – this is the key aspect of Love and Bhakti, but it has often been seen, especially in Bhakti Yoga practitioners that even though they practice this give, give & give method, they lag behind and struggle hard to get some placement in Bhakti in the book of Lord – what to do then! Well, I have got a secret here to share with you – it has given extreme level of success to me.

What you usually do vs what gas to be done

Usually, you choose a method of loving your lord and feel him or her from that perspective. For example, if you aspire to look at the Lord as your mother, then you search for mother everywhere, and even in each of the lady, who approaches you by the rule of nature. While you do the same, every time, you develop a sense to neglect all other relations, like daughter’s, wife’s, sister’s etc.

Now, the question here is, are these relations not the method of God’s love? Can’t they have the sense of giving only, and leave the sense of expecting anything? Can’t these relationships extend the hands of pure love and bhakti towards you? If they can, why are you neglecting them? Just accept those and see the magic of art of loving, When you accept lord’s love from all the possible angles of relationship or any of those angles, without any previous notion or expectation, then you are basically opening up all the doors and windows of your mid to receive the bright rays of Lord in you. Follow this as the last method of Learning Bhakti Yoga in 2 mins and see, you will be practically reaching the top position of love and Bhakti within minutes.

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