Falling asleep during Meditation?


Falling Asleep during meditation is very much a common practice and a common phenomenon among the beginners. The thing might look simple by eyes, but at the back end there remains many robust aspects that governs it. Don’ need to panic either, as I will be answering to this question of yours with a detailed analysis and understanding, understanding which will resolve your condition entirely.

asleep during meditation

Before telling you any more thing, I want to ask you something, Do not feel this to be a question, as while you answer to this question, much of your wrong conceptions will go right and the question is sure to turn your mind set upside down about spirituality. My Question here is –

Do you practice Simple Meditation or Spiritual Meditation?

Your question now to me, in response to the above question is – Are they different?
You will ask this question, but then only you will ask this, when you are humble enough for grasping truth.

Difference between Simple and Spiritual Meditation

My Answer: Yes, they are. Meditation is the practice of collecting your wide spread intelligence at one place, whereas Spiritual Meditation is the next and the giant leap after the simple meditation is completely experienced.

Simple meditation is something that every creatures do. You might be unaware about the fact, but that is the truth. The snakes, monkeys, dogs, crows, owls or frogs are very much expert on this context, where snakes are the best of the best, and they can bestow on their motive for hours together. However, this is not the case with that of Spiritual Meditation. In this earth, Human is the only species, who can practice spiritual meditation

Making the understanding of MEDITATION a bit deeper

I know that your ideas and ideologies and in fact the ego that developed out of meditation and its practice has found a great wound. If you are really wounded, stay here for some more minutes, I will be healing your wound thoroughly, but if you feel a blow at your arrogance, you can better leave, as spirituality is not for the arrogant.
Understand the state of consciousness, we are here onto. I know you people shout aloud with “Consciousness“, but to be very accurate, human strives hard to reach the state of consciousness, while other creatures won’t even give it a try.

We stay in a Semiconscious state all the time and our state tends to go downwards and reach the unconscious state. It is Normal Meditation that creates an anchor to the downgrade, but it has not the capacity of uplift. For the uplift, the only help can be made through Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Gyan Yoga and Spiritual meditation, while combined together.

How to practice spiritual meditation, the general practices, the problems that are faced and the stages that remains in it, I will discuss about those in other articles, as that will take time. Now is the time to summarize the entire thing and to answer your main question – why you fall asleep during meditation.

Why do you fall asleep during Meditation?

While practicing general meditation, if you are practicing normal or general meditation, the main objective of there is to recollect your wide spread intellect and to put a hold on the full intellect of yours. You will not be taking your mind state to consciousness at all here, but you are making a hook on the semiconscious state, with this meditation.

So falling asleep during meditation essentially means that you are loosing control over your intellect and you are going down to the unconscious state. Do not forget that sleep brings a state to mind, where consciousness remains on a feeble line only, which when omitted result in death, where your body experiences complete unconsciousness. Hence it is actually a big alarm for you, in your spiritual practice, if you are at all intending to practice it.[1]

And that is usually caused since your mind is negative charged. Either your surrounding is too much negative and that is making you negative too, or you are exploring negative aspects in your mind and lagging positivism.

SOLUTION: The only solution here is to learn and practice positivism. Take help from these articles for positivism practice.

Is Falling asleep during Meditation always a Bad Indication?

Falling asleep during meditation is not always a bad indication. In fact it can be a great experience for a Bhakti Yogi or a Karma Yogi. However the condition is highly alarming for the Non-dual practitioners and for the Gyan Yogi. In the case of a general meditation practitioner, the student was not practicing spirituality, hence he was falling from the semiconscious state to downwards, but a Non-dual practitioner or a Gyan Yogi are hardcore practitioners of Spirituality, hence they fall to the same zone, but from a state that is higher than that of semiconscious state – so it is a big downpour.

Is it not possible that – falling asleep during meditation is good somewhere?

As I said earlier, sleeping during meditation can be a great boon to a Bhakti Yogi or a Karma Yogi. While a Bhakti Yogi identifies the universal soul as his/her very own lord, a Karma Yogi finds the same, as he/she renounces the fruits of the work and dedicates the same under the name of Lord. The top practitioners here often falls asleep during meditation, and during that state, they are enriched with the deepest form of consciousness[2] too. Thus, falling asleep during meditation, while is a curse to most, is a boon to a Devotee or a Karma yogi – there lies the mystery.

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[2]You might say that why this difference between the general meditation practitioners, Gyan Yogi, Non-dual yogi and Bhakti/karma Yogi? The simple word here is in all the cases, the teacher of intellect is the mind, but in case of Bhakti and Karma, the teacher is Soul himself/herself. Now, what is the difference between all this terminologies, I know you all feel confused… I will write soon on this and will put the link here.

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