Refine Bhakti to next level in Kali Yuga


Bhakti is something which has no fixed set of rules. in fact, this is true for all the forms of Yoga, but, still other forms do have some skeleton in them, based on which, rest of the idol will be erected. However that is not the case with Bhakti. This is the reason, why the devotees (bhakt) of all era had to face so rigorous tests, before they were accepted to be a bhakt. Kali is not so much a refined era, and in fact Kali Yuga is the yuga where the false will be given an emblem of purity.

Bhakti Lesson

How Kali Yuga pollutes Bhakti

The bigger population won’t face any issue for that falsehood, but the devotees, since simple minded, faces the chaotic sense at their mind, at every step. The biggest instance in this case is about identifying a real Bhakt or devotee. The ruling Deity of Kali Yuga is the demigod of Forgetfulness and hence, it becomes very much easy for him to make the devotees forget, what is real Bhakti. People starts believing that all the temple goers are Bhakt, and all the God believers are Bhakt. Naturally, the real Bhakt, who alone was crowned as Bhakt, in the other eras, either mixes in the crowd of Non-Devotees, or are thrown out of the context, standing in this Kali Yuga. This is the way, how Kali pollutes the entire Sect of Bhakt, and the super-power stream of Bhakti.

Now, you must be asking in your mind, that what are the things that can identify a real Bhakt! I have already narrated the answer of this question in my last article. In short, the three features, that a real bhakt must have are –

(1) A real Bhakt (devotee) never asks anything from his lord, except Lord himself/herself – I have discussed about this aspect in my another article – The Underneath Mystery of Bhakti Yoga
(2) Never say no to anything to what Lord gives – This is the thing that I will narrate you today[1], following which you will go ahead in the practice of Bhakti, disregarding what Kali Yuga has to say or believe.
(3) Never allow your relation with your lord to turn clumsy – This is the last and the most versatile area for any Bhakt to practice, which I discussed in another Article.

[1]Learning Bhakti in Kali yuga – Step by Step Guidance

In today’s lesson, I will narrate you about acceptance. This particular thing can be uttered with thousands of words, but the main word here is related to the feel from your heart.

Fearless Bhakti :

Unless you feel from your heart and visualize it everywhere that, whatever is happening with you, its having the root in the cause and the cause is your own feelings; unless you understand that there is none in the world who can act, human or creatures can only think and that thought is transformed to work by the Universal Energy (Adi Shakti)… She is the mother of all, and a mother cannot do a wrong to her kids. So, what had happened with you, what is happening with you and what will happen with you are all made feasible by the pointing of Mother and none else, who knows what is good to you, better than you yourself know.

This is the thing that makes the heart of a Bhakt, who knows nothing except Bhakti fearless, even standing in Kali Yuga. As, he/she becomes fearless thinking that what happens with him/her is due to Lord’s guidance to him/her for his/her liberation or salvation, he/she becomes matured enough to move on to the better half of Bhakti.

Finding good side of everything in Bhakti :

Mind became fearless and fearless mind can think very easily and thoughts even matches high with real earthly world,, In Bhakti, a bhakt never can imagine to accept accreditation of any thing on his.her name. Naturally, a Bhakt starts feeling that it is due to his Lord that the things are happening like that and there must be some great plan of his Lord in everything. This feel eventually make him believe that his Lord is his father/mother and can give him pain for the sake of pain. Hence, if Lord is giving him some pain, then definitely there has to be some great intentions, which will be visible after few days.

Accept anything even in Kali Yuga:

Now that the Bhakt started to feel that whatever is happening with him is for the betterment of him alone/his family/the entire civilization. It might seem to be a wrong one, but the right is inherited within it. Actually, the world is an illusion, and in a illusion the magic thing is – “What is visible never happens in real time”. From there Bhakt starts a practice in Bhakti – Whatever is good to me, is happening to me …. So, I must accept everything tat is coming to my life. And this feel makes a Bhakt rich in bhakti and that too at a very short time.

What’s Next in Bhakti Yoga

In the main article of learning Bhakti Yoga in 2 minutes, I mentioned three key aspects that will learn you bhakti, This one is the second one among all the three directions. You can get through the first one, which will make you understand this article in a better way and also follow the last guideline, which is the most critical one among all the guidelines.

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