Dasamahavidya : The Supreme Mysticism


Dasamahavidya are the ten divine forms of Adi Shakti, the ultimate Goddess in Hinduism. Each of the ten forms are associated with some of the secret mystic lessons, which are accessible by the incarnations and even for those saints, who reaches that caliber with their devotion, intention to love the world and with knowledge. The names of the ten forms are: Kamala, Bhairavi, Bagala, Matangi, Chinnamasta, Tara, Tripura Sundari, Kali, Bhubaneswari, Dhumabati. The names here has been arranged in accordance to their intensity regarding the 16 Kala Vidyas. Now, come to the explanation of each of the forms and the associated lessons or mystic knowledge

Table stating Dasamahavidya and associated Kala

1Kamala[2]Dhan/Dhanya Lakshmi Baivab Vidya
2Bhairavi[3]ChandraghantaBidehi Vidya
3Bagala[4]Veera LakshmiBagmi Vidya
4Matangi[5] Jaya Lakshmi Parachitta Vidya
5Chinnamasta[6]SiddhidhatriAdhyatmik Gyan
6Tara[7]ShailaputriPrem Gyan
7Tripurasundari[8](1) Rajrajeswari (2) Lalita Panchami Gyan
8Kali[9]KalratriTrikal Gyan
9Bhubeneswari [10]Adi/Maha LakshmiParameswari Gyan
10Dhumavati[11]Brahmand Gyan

Explanation of dasamahavidya

Now coming to the explanation of each of the Dasamahavidya forms and associated Kala or Mystic lessons. here I will state you the details of each of the Vidya (Lesson) that is associated with the Devi

[1] Kamala – Baibhav Kala[2]

Other Deities: Dhan/Dhanya Lakshmi
Description of Dasamahavidya Deity : Devi here rides on two white elephants and distributes Dhan (gold) and Dhanya (Cereals)
Associated Kala: Baivab Kala
Lesson of Kala: This is the lesson that is going to form the skill in you to spread gold and cereals.
Quality a Learner develops out of the Kala: This is the kala or lesson, which when learnt by a saint knows the core form of Chaturbarna (Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Sudra) and also knows how to establish that and frame the society, so that the society can run continually towards the ultimate destination of Moksh.
Application of the Kala: The Kala can either be used by the Ruler of a state or by the Saint, who will be mentoring the ruler. This kala will help to form the Law of the state, the Constitution of the state, the punishment to the Criminals, Policies of rule and Taxation rules.

(2) Bhairavi – Bidehi Kala[3]

Other Deities: Chandraghanta
Description of Dasamahavidya Deity : Devi Bhairavi is a deity of fire. She resides in Samsan (Burning Ghat) and engages herself in taking care of the Soul[1] Associated Kala: Bidehi Kala
Lesson of Kala: This Kala gives the lesson of different form of bodies and introduces a devotee to Sukshma Sarir (Subtle Body)
Quality a Learner develops out of the Kala: This Kala trains a devotee to mix up with the different bodies that are not owning any structure that is Sthool, (like us); rather are holding Subtle bodies. Saint mixes up with them and resolves different issues that cannot be down with these physical bodies.
Application of the Kala: The Kala can be applied to get information and knowledge regarding Subtle system, about the things that are going to happen in near future to the world, society, family and to nature. Use of this Kala must be restricted for specific usage only.

[1] Soul, in this article means :The Instinct of a creature that separates him from other

[3] Bagala – Bagmi Kala[4]
Maa Bagala

Other Deities: Veera Lakshmi
Description of Dasamahavidya Deity : Devi Bagala in her fierce yet beautiful form, stands on the lotus, as a symbol of Piousness; holds mace in one hand, to punish the demons (evil powers); catches hold of the tongue of the demon and sword in other hand, with an impression to cut down the tongue of the evils. The Form depicts that it is the tongue of us, which when not controlled continues to say unrealistic and fake words, that comes without a proper judgement. Hence, by willing to cut down that tongue Devi shows that the tongue has to be controlled. Devi holds a container in the last hand to depict that she will be holding out all the words said and will be purifying them, when she takes a control of everything.
Associated Kala: Bagmi Kala
Lesson of Kala: This Kala gives the essential lesson that the tongue is needed to be controlled, in order to get success at any place.
Quality a Learner develops out of the Kala: A Sadhak, with the knowledge of this Kala will say that words only, which are most effective for the situation; that will accomplish the purpose of destiny and that will accomplish the purpose of the speaker too. Basically, the learner develops a skill here to connect the words directly from the intellect and mind, and he/she stops the sense of attachment and detachment, both of which spoils the words that we utter.
Application of the Kala: With this Kala, a speaker can make understand the deepest spiritual knowledge anywhere and anytime. Shri Krishna used this Kala to train Arjuna Bhagavad Geeta, during Kurukshetra War.

[4] Matangi – Parachitta Kala[5]

Other Deities: Jaya Lakshmi
Description of Dasamahavidya Deity : Devi Matangi is dark greenish in hue and she appeared to the Chandals (Backward class) to save them from the unequal treatment, they were facing from the society. She depicts a form that is full of love and rich for plantation, showing a form to save a looser and turn them as the winner, avoiding every unlike conditions.
Associated Kala: Parachitta Kala
Lesson of Kala: This Kala teaches how love and withstanding patience can create huge energy in someone. Basically, it trains to loose and learn the winner strengths while loosing. At the right time, the feed will be returned and that will manipulate and dethrone the enemy without any miss.
Quality a Learner develops out of the Kala: Here a Learner initially develops a skill to read other’s mind at any condition, even if his/her own mind is endangered. After reading the complete mind, he/she can hypnotize the psychology of the enemy permanently. Then winning over the enemy will be a matter of fun only.
Application of the Kala: Krishna used this Kala science on Jarasandha. Strength of Jarasandha was mystic and mysterious and with that even Narayani Sena (army of Krishna) felt it tough to win, with Krishna as their leader. By using this Kala, Krishna read Jarasandha completely and guided Bhima to slay Jarasandha. Thus, this is a Kala which can defeat any enemy, even if the enemy is much powerful or much more mystic than you.

(5) Chinnamasta – Adhyatmik Kala[6]

Other Deities: Siddhidhatri
Description of Dasamahavidya Deity : Devi appears here in a dangerous form showing that she can go to every extent to save her children. Her children can sink in the world of desire and can seek thousands from Devi fulfillment of innumerable wishes, which can even be baseless. Devi will fulfill that desire in such a way, where once the child comes back in consciousness, will see how far Mother Sacrificed herself and will feel shy with their own desires. To depict desire of the children, Devi stands on an intercourse making couple; and to depict her own sacrifice for fulfilling the desires of kids
Associated Kala: Adhyatmik Kala
Lesson of Kala: This Kala teaches the relation between body, mind and soul and also briefs the idea how the entire life cycle flows and also trains how to bind three of them to go ahead in spiritual life for the attainment of final bliss.
Quality a Learner develops out of the Kala: After learning this Kala, a Sadhak binds his body, mind and soul and finds out the real way life leads its path towards salvation. While the Sadhak practices and establishes this Kala in his/her life, he/she becomes free from all material attachments and that ultimately leaves all sense of pains from the sadhak.
Application of the Kala: Lord Buddha practiced his Nirvana using this Kala and Shri Krishna for attaining this Kala, could easily destroy Yadu Dynasty at Prayag, before his eyes, for the same of Global welfare.

(6) Tara – Prem Kala[7]

Other Deities: Sailaputri
Description of Dasamahavidya Deity : At the end of Samudra manthan (Churning of the ocean) Mahadev drank Halahal (the best of all poisons) to save the world from destruction. Mahadev was unable to digest the poison, and so to save him, Devi Tara feed Shiva her breast milk ad sticks the poison at the throat itself, making him Nilkhantha. Devi here is the divine form of real and pure love, which knows no boundary of love at all.
Associated Kala: Prem Kala
Lesson of Kala: Love is the only thing that makes Lord a debtor, but that love has to be boundless. Love to lord only as a Mother and denying other relationships is not the complete love. Complete love is that one, where a Saint finds his/her beloved lord to be omnipresent to him/her in all the cases, all in different forms. She is the wife, she is the mother and she is the daughter. That makes it a complete love and this is the lesson this Kala trains.
Quality a Learner develops out of the Kala: Love is the most powerful weapon in the universe that can tame even the most ferocious creature of the globe to lay down humbly to you. It can even bow down Lord at the devotee, as Lord Krishna did to Sudhama, as Lord Jesus did to his disciples.
Application of the Kala: The best application of this Kala is to love lord and children of lord , but that love should not be blind. One can drink poison, can inject poison on someone, but if that action is meant for the betterment of the civilization, that has to be loved and blessed to remain pious for ever. Shri Krishna with this Kala knew that Draupadi’s marriage with five brothers is going to serve the whole world for thousands of years. So, he enlarged that particular marriage as the most pious marriage, the world has ever seen.

Recollecting Features of Dasamahavidya

1KamalaBaivab VidyaPurpose of wealth, food and clothLearning about Society structuring
2BhairaviBidehi VidyaLearning about sukshma sarirCommunicating with Souls
3BagalaBagmi VidyaLearning Sabda BrahmaPerfect Communicatiion skill
4MatangiParachitta VidyaLearning how mind worksControl anyone’s mind – 
Permanent Hypnotism
5ChinnamastaAdhyatmik GyanLearn to bind Body, Mind and SoulGetting relief from all Pain and attachments
6TaraPrem GyanDivine LoveKnowing & Practicing Actual Love
(From Faith to Bhakti – Prem – Bhab)
7TripurasundariPanchami Gyan5 element working processControlling Panchabhoot
8KaliTrikal GyanKnowledge of timeKnowing the Past Present & Future
9Bhubeneswari Parameswari GyanProcess of Universe expansionBiswarup Darshan
10DhumavatiBrahmand GyanSecret of Universe CreationMoksh
(7) Tripurasundari – Panchami Kala[8]

Other Deities: None
Other Names: Lalita/Rajrajeswari/ Sarashi
Description of Dasamahavidya Deity : Said to be the heartthrob of Sadhaks, Lalita Devis is one of the supreme most form of Devi. Aged only 16 (hence called Sarashi), she is the power of Pasupat of Shiva. She is said to be the source form of Panchabhoot and the ultimate form too. Utterly beautiful, She is carried at the back of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and SUrya, forming the four legs of her throne. It is said that her beauty mixed with extreme benevolence paralyzes the strength of a Sadhak, while they get ignited with fire of desire and as soon as they ignite, Devi takes the fiery form and destroys the entire Sadhna (strengths owned by Sadhak) within a few seconds and drops him down to the earth.
Associated Kala: Panchami Kala
Lesson of Kala: The Kala trains compete details about formation and deformation of every earthly objects with the effect of Panchabhoot (five elements). In one word, the science of Panchabhoot is completely disclosed to a sadhak, if he/she can learn this Kala.
Quality a Learner develops out of the Kala: A Sadhak after getting this lesson can understand the formation, creation and destruction of all earthly objects, which eventually destroys all sense of attachment towards earthly objects. If this Kala can be fully learned, the devotee or sadhak can create anything and any form and that two within minutes.
Application of the Kala: With this Kala, both Arjuna, Karna and Krishna was able to create mountains within minutes.

(8) Kali – Trikal Kala[9]

Other Deities: Kalratri
Description of Dasamahavidya Deity : The perfect shine of feminism is Goddess Kali. She is the form that exhibits the ultimate strength feminism has. Super-destructive, she is ready to damage everything that comes before her eyes. To stop her fierce force, Shiva had to lay down and let the Devi step on her. Stepping on her teacher stopped the Mother. She is the form of Para Adi Shakti, which declares that – “I am the Life , but I never Die; I am the Destiny, but I never cry; I am the Universe, but the Universe is not me; I am time; but there is no time in me, as only time can watch me, while I ride on him…. Yes, I am the replica of that oldest form, who dreams this Universe.”
Associated Kala: Trikal Kala
Lesson of Kala: This Devi controls time or Mahakal and hence named as Kali (Who rules over Kal). Hence she trains to understand Trikal, or three state of time (Past , Present and future) and even trains to control that, in a way that would not hamper the destiny.
Quality a Learner develops out of the Kala: Sadhak learns to see Trikal and also learns to control the present, by controlling which future is naturally controlled. Expert in this Kala can stop time or even pace up time, for a single person.
Application of the Kala: The Kala has been used by Krishna, during Jayadratha Badh, otherwise Lord Shiva and Vishnu are renowned to foresee the future, all the time. Krishna also could do the same.

[9] Bhuvaneswari – Parameswari Kala[10]

Other Deities: Adi Lakshmi/Maha Lakshmi
Description of Dasamahavidya Deity : Enormously beautiful, she is also regarded to be the Divine form of Adi Para Shakti, the mother of Tridevs (Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh), Tridevis (Bidya, Lakshmi, Shakti) and Trimurtis (Abidya, Alakshmi, Apasmar) and hence the ultimate dreamer of the entire universe. She knows everything, as everything shapes up under her supervision or dream. The World is explained to be the dream of Her.
Associated Kala: Paremeswari Kala
Lesson of Kala: How the Universe expands, how the Souls[1] are formed, how Panchahhoot are formed and how the form creation and the path of travel of a soul towards the Moksh is the knowledge, a Devotee learns with the aid of this Kala.
Quality a Learner develops out of the Kala: A Learner of this Kala becomes equivalent to Lord Vishnu’s knowledge. The knowledge of universe, the knowledge of Soul’s path to destiny, the concept of Universal Progeny and even the knowledge of time (Yugas) becomes clear to a Sadhak. With this knowledge, a Sadhak can dispel anyone’s ignorance within few seconds.
Application of the Kala: Lord Krishna, with this Kala could show Biswarup (transcendental Universe form) to Arjuna, at Hastinapura Court.

(10) Dhumavati – Brohmo Kala[11]

Other Deities: None
Description of Dasamahavidya Deity : She is the ultimate form of Adi Para Shakti, the way she remains while the Universe ceases to exist. She Remains then in a form that is represented by a smoke, as the Universe or Parameswar remains inside her, since she swallowed him. For the creation, this form means the end of everything.
Associated Kala: Brohmo Kala
Lesson of Kala: The origin of universe is what this Kala trains. This is the last and the best of the Kala, that shows the ultimate form of Universe.
Quality a Learner develops out of the Kala: There are two things one can do with this Kala – (1) learn, see and remain calm (2) Get plunged at the origin. While the first one makes a person equivalent to Shiva in knowledge and love, the second one delivers Moksh.
Application of the Kala: Every soul at the time of Moksh learns this kala and dissolves himself/herself in Devi or the Dhuma (Smoke)

Adhidaibik Kala

This is the Kala that is not assigned to any of the Devis of Dasamahavidya, nor with Asta Lakshmi or Navadurga. That is held in discretion with Goddess Para Adi Shakti. Now, why this much security and secrecy in the Kala…? I have discussed that earlier and you can get though it for a Click to Know More

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