Global Warming – Actual Reason


Global warming – this is the sound of the earth now. Wherever you go, whatever you listen or see, or do, there is one single word – “Global Warming“. What it says! It says that human are consuming much energy and producing much more CFC (Greenhouse gas) to deplete the Ozone Layer… This act of human, through refrigerators, wastes, AC machines and Rocket/Satellite sending is , according to the modern scientists, increasing the temperature of the Globe.

This very chaotic act of Human race, according to scientists is increasing the temperature to such a level that it will cause the sea level to increase and the glaciers to melt down, causing heavy flood. As I listened to these words, a calculation came to my mind – Human resides at what space on the earth and among that, what is the area where Urban life is lead – that it becomes so much heavy on our dear Earth!

Human!! Are they the reason of Global Warming!!

1/4th of the total earth is land that means 25%. Out of that, 33% is reserved for forest and 21% is reserved by the snowline and the dry and arid deserts. the two polar regions makes 9% of the landmass. So, what are we left out with? Only (100 – (33+21+9))=37% landmass? No, after this, there remains the agricultural land, which is more than 1/3rd of the entire inhabited landmass of human race. So, it comes to 10% of the landmass and when calculated on the 25% its only 2.5% of urban area on the earth! Only 2.5% of the entire earth is doing such nuisance, like Global Warming to the Mother Earth?

I came to know that Human, when get backs to their conscious state are equivalent to God, but here the explanation of science reveals that Human are God, even when they are not any close to consciousness!! No, No, there has to be some mistake that is going on!! it is not possible that only 2.5% can change the entire 100%… That urge made me sit with the research that I made for you, below –

Searching the real cause of Global Warming

I started going through the nature of earth and other heavenly bodies first. There I found that, it’s the nature of the heavenly bodies to cool down, as they exist separately at the space station. Usually, they remain as the big gas ball, swelling and wobbling with star-caliber heat and time goes in billions and millions of years, they cool down to form winds and therefrom water, ( when wind speed is moderated) like what had happened with the Earth. So, the straightforward incidence that remains here is the cooling down of the Earth – well this is natural and there is no interpretation of anyone here. OK. If that is cooling, then how come Global Warming!! That’s the opposite act then! Hmm… have to research more…

What happens with Human

I went through lots of thesis, but couldn’t actually make out the basic thing behind this cooling effect and its parity with Global Warming. Eventually, I got back to myself… Human Body… What happens to it, when we freeze down, especially during the winter months? … Cracked Heel!! So, the skin cracks and the heat escapes through those cracks – That’s it….

Cracks on Earth

Then the same thing must happen with the earth too?? OK…. So, lets go through the earthly features for the last few hundred million years. Let’s see what happened to the earth. Is the crack only found through the earth quakes or also visible in the global map?? Just see the below collected image, sourced from Estrella Mountain Education. You will find the change of the earth crust and will surely understand the crack it found in the last 225 million years. The images shows how the earth crust moved throuh millons of years and the movement is nothing but the cracks on the earth surface, as you find on your kin during winter time.

Global Warming – What Happened with Earth

So, the direct answer that comes here is – earthquakes are not the effect of global warming. This is quite a natural incidence, as the Earth is continuously cooling down from inside!! I found more details about the same ans thought to explain the entire thing in another article dedicated on earthquake. But, my question has not been resolved till now? What is the connection of everything with Global Warming!! The heat gets emitted from the within the Earth and that is creating earthquake, but what about the heat that passes through the cracks…. Where it goes? After a long research, I found some clue to my answer from the US Weather governing site, which I stated below –

Global Warming – The mystery lies in the Earth’s internal Heat emission
energy balance of earth
Energy Balance of Earth, Source:

The Image above shows, one critical thing – It shows what amount of heat is coming to the Earth from the sun, what amount is reflected by the atmosphere and what amount is absorbed by it, but in the case of internal energy emission of the earth, radiation emitted by the earth, as shown above with Orange color, it shows that a total of 116% of the heat of the earth is emitted back to the space. So, my research of heat emission, through earth cracks was on the right track. This thing is now boosting up my energy level!! It seems that I am nowt far from the end point! This was my thought, but I didn’t expect the new area to look at will be visible before my eyes so soon!! I had to go nowhere – Found it on the same image that I placed above. See below, what I found on it!

energy imbalance of earth
Actually it is not energy balance, but imbalance
created by: sudip

See now, the portion that I have ringed in the image above. It clearly shows that the atmosphere absorbs 104% of the emitted heat from the core of the earth and out of that only 9% is emitted to space by the clouds. So, there remains 95% of the heat. This 95% heat that is absorbed by the atmosphere contains the CFC and everything that is affecting the Global Warming.

This is quite OK, but my mind was not satisfied to that. It had to say that “well, you answered it right that the heat that the atmosphere is finding is natural, but how can you say that the bigger portion of that heat is not emitted by human!” ……. Oh! so there lies the problem. So, again a research. I have to find out what is the percentage of heat that human emits to the atmosphere. Unless that is found out, the issue is not solved.

Global Warming- The Villain Arrested!

So, my research continued, but this time the research found a definite dimension. So, it became easy for me to find out the truth that lies beneath and behind. I found out the total heat that the earth emits. According to CSI, the total heat emitted by Earth each day is 342 watt/square meter. I am making this result a little colored as that will help you to understand the key content of this historical article on Global Warming

Total Heat emitted by earth a day: 342 Watt/square meter

Now, the research is even more narrowed down for me. I will have to simply find out the total heat that human society gifts to the Mother Earth. Skeptical science provides the statistics of the heat generated due to green house gases and the wastes, everyday, which I have again brightened with color for the criticizers specially:

Heat generated due to Greenhouse gases from earth: 2.9 watt/
Heat generated due to Wastes: 0.28 watt/
———————————————————————————–(=) Total Heat generated by Human: 3.08 watt/sq/mt

.Now, I have got the statistics. So, I will tell less words and allow the statistics to say the rest words. Analyzing the entire thing, it comes to an amazing figure:

So, only 3.08/342 = 0.91% of heat emitted by earth is due to Human influence

Isn’t that amazing?? You agree to it or not, now nothing does really matter, as this is the statistics. What you see is the actual truth, human contribute not even 1% of the total heat, Earth emits. So, Is it that the Human race is responsible for Global Warming!!! Nay!!! Urban life of Human race resides on only 2.5% of the total Earth and out of the total heat that Earth emits, human commutes only 1%. Oh! sorry! Not even 1% …. Its 0.91%.

Focus on your actual Responsibility

The earth is a creation of Nature and she is well accustomed to maintain what is good and what is bad…. She destroys to create and create to destroy, and in between that, she stores back with her, the best of her creations to reestablish the same in the new eras. The extreme show of nature, absolute demolition of religion (now only communities are left, actual religion has gone underneath the civilization), animal life being unable to withstand the climatic change all are indicating one thing – This era is waiting for the Doomsday.

If you are a real lover of humanity, take back the best creation of human – the real religion, as that is the only thing that has the capacity to rebuilt everything on a new surface. If you can take hold of that eternally existing, presently flowing underneath Religion, humanity is saved, otherwise it will doom with the Era itself. God Shows no mercy to the cowards and fools. So, don’t be fooled by the politics and political critics, who are hiding the real nature of Nature and demonstrating Global Warming as the demon.

Actually they are trying to kill the eternally flowing Truthful Religion. The actual religion that is never the communities like Hinduism, Christianity or Islam; The actual religion that contains the truth of Universe; the actual religion who knows that the worldly love is not love at all; the actual religion which the demons fear; the actual religion which when rises, everyone washes away like insects – Know that religion and preserve it for the sake of Humanity. That’s your responsibility at present. We are into the end days… Nature is saving her best creations. Human have created their best creation already – the religion. Now, human will be saved by nature as they are her best of the creations. But that discretion of who is going to survive among human, is confined to who is the actual knower and follower of the The REAL RELIGION is. Save yourself, Nature is capable to save herself. Showing pity on someone who is 100 times powerful than you, is nothing but an act of fool.

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