Migraine Pain – Get instant and permanent relief

Positive thinking

When I reached my doctor for treating my migraine pain, he said me to get relief out of my tensions. He guided me to stay away from sun, to stop late night jobs and also suggested me some medicines. It is near to 17 years from now, when I first developed migraine. Now, I sleep around 3 AM at night and get up from bed by 7 AM max. I treated my eyes by staring at sun and never fear anymore to stay at sunlight – no medicine – no migraine and no migraine pain. Astonished? Might be, but that is the reality.

Do you know the way, I cured migraine for me? Of course I will say you. I know the devastation, migraine pain does to someone, as I myself experienced the same. Hence, from the heart, I feel that no one must feel that agony anymore, but the key of the same lies in the understanding of what migraine is and how it spreads. Once that can be realized, you can cure the same within a minute and it will never reach back you, in your life time.

I will not take example of anyone else for migraine pain, but myself only in this aspect – I have already stated my lifestyle, 3-4 hours of sleep a day, and I am running without any ailment, by God’s wish and with blessings of yours. So, you can understand well, that I am not stating anything that i read in book. I am stating you, what I felt and what I experienced. So, let me start the churning of the full process, from the very beginning.

What causes Migraine pain?

If you bear the migraine pain, you know it very well, what happens. An irresistible and acute pain starts pressuring one of your vein at any one side of your head. That’s the start – isn’t it! Now, as you rag or snatch the paining area, intending a relief, that pain gradually spreads to the other veins and at time you feel that a monkey is climbing the branches of the tree, from one branch to other. As the pain continues with you, the monkey returns again and again and do the same devastation on the tree, whom you call as head.

This is the experience, now let me tell you about a Kid’s play, I did here. With an intention to know what exactly happens there behind the head, I started meditating on it, while suffering from migraine pain and see what I found –

I saw an air bubble, got stuck within one of my vein. It is seeming to be immovable by the blood corpuscles and ultimately fails to cross the barricade, created by the air bubble.

I then tried to put some extra pressure on that vein and see now what I found from it –

The air bubble, when found the pressure, split down to more than one bubble, and it transmitted itself to other veins and thus air bubble exist now in hundreds of veins, creating acute migraine pain.

Consequent efforts – all failed to search out reason of migraine pain!!

Now, I started interpreting what I saw to find out the actual reasons of migraine. Here, you might think that how I pointed out one particular thing as the reason of the same, but let me tell you, I have not pointed out one particular thing. Rather, I had to change those pointing from time to time to finally realize the actual reason of migraine pain. As I am sharing the full experience of mine, let me tell you all the things that I hypothesized and why I had to shift from that hypothesis.

  • Initial pointing was to sun rays – At first, I pointed out sun rays as the core reason of migraine pain, reminding that from childhood, I always remained outside in the noon time with friends, stealing mangoes and coconuts, while sun was atop us . But, I was wrong.
  • Felt indigestion as the main reason – I stop moving out while sun rays remained fierce, but still felt the migraine pain, bit more, but not less. Then gradually, I thought might be due to indigestion, those air bubbles are formed of gas, but again failed to justify that, as the pain continued, although I completely stopped feeds due to indigestion.

I then became really anxious and started feeling that this ailment is permanent with me. I went through some medical analysis, by nurturing the online articles – all suggested quick relief, but what I need was a permanent relief. From that frustration, one day I meditated hard on the air bubble and finally reached the right answer. Why am I saying it as right answer? Because for the last 3 years, I am completely cured – no feeds from indigestion, due to late night works, full day workout under sun, no medicine and no regular exercise – ultimately no migraine pain.

Its all about Positive thinking

The analysis that I finally made and accepted to set free from migraine pain goes like this –

Positivity is without any binding and without any limit, it is negative thought that binds the air and transforms the air into bubble format. This bubble gets affirmed at the veins and ultimately blocks blood flow within the nerves. Hence, think positive and make your perspective, inner soul positive. not only migraine, but many many ailments can be solved by it. See below the list of ailments, that has been cured with positive thinking . Now, I understand that it is negative thought that we call as tension. They are not synonymous, but actually it is the negative thought that give rise to tension, and whenever you start thinking positive, you are out of the fence and free like a bird – so no more monkeys and no more need to withstand their nuisances. But, yes make sure another thing – Positive thinking is not all about thinking like an optimist, its much different and broader than that. Keep following, we will discuss that one day too.

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