Drinking Wine is Good

Positive thinking

There is a concept in the world that drinking wine is very much harmful, but let me remind you something that you all know from your heart – the most precious element lies within either dreadful or insignificant material. Example? See the Diamond; it is found within the element, which is regarded to be a smiley of an utterly ugly looking mineral – Coal. See the lessons of life; they are available from sorrows only, which everyone fears. See the Amrit (nectar); which can be collected only after the acceptance of Kalkut (best of the poisons)…. The same thing goes with the Wine.

Drinking Wine

You must be thinking – how is it? Drinking wine is the thing that is hated around the world! It is the thing that is feared by all! It is the thing that consumes life of millions of people everyday! But, accidentally, coincidentally, but eventually, the truth is like that only – Wine is a real difference creator, understanding which, one can become the pioneer of his/her life.

Drinking wine does wonder while you hold your nerves

Wine is surely that thing, attachment on which, swallows the life itself. But these everything is when you loose control over your nerves and get attached on the illusion effect, created from drinking wine. But think about the time when you are not attached or addicted towards it… What will you get?

  • You will feel the bliss out of peace in your mind
  • You will notice that the things/lessons/thoughts you forgot was suddenly recollected in your memory
  • You will be able to fight with all your physical/mental stresses
  • You will find the strength in your body/will/mind which you never recognize generally – hence it acts as a real sense booster or it acts as a short time consciousness catalyst

When uncontrolled, result is disastrous

The same habit of drinking wine, while remains uncontrolled in your mind, you feel addicted and attached towards it. You gradually develop plenty of ill habits from it, as is indicated below –

  • You will start developing bad character, filled with anger, fear, harassing others and even inclination towards sexual assaults
  • You will not be able to control your strength, and even mind or senses – you will loose every control and treat like a drunk
  • You will misuse your strengths and those strengths will turn out as weakness
  • You will damage your lever, kidney and the full body and develop ailments from it
  • You will waste your time and might behave in such a way, which will be embarrassing for others .

Thus, drinking wine is not bad, if you can put a hold on your nerves. On the contrary, if you cannot do so, it can be immensely harmful and can gulp up your entire life, philosophy and even your character.

Drinking wine makes you Adhyatmik

In fact, drinking wine is excellent when considered from the angle of spirituality. Spirituality says that “When you take yourself up towards equilibrium state, from then onward your journey starts to become an Adhyatmik personality” .

Adhyatmik or Spiritual person’s nature is bit different from general person. He/she will dip himself/herself everywhere and he/she will bring out the Amrit from there, avoiding the Kalkut. Drinking wine help him/her to train himself /herself for that mind state. It will point you out two things –

  • Firstly, if you can take control of anything and yet accept that till the limit of your control, you are going to get from it all its nectar.
  • Secondly, if you cannot control that object, controlling which will make you a king, you are going to be destroyed entirely as drinking wine does to the addicted ones.

This is the reason why, wine is said to be a pious object in Hinduism (that has mystery of Adhytmik developmental nectar, secretly held within it). Samudra Manthan, or churning of ocean of milk is the process that identifies all the pious or Adhyatmik object of the world. Since, drinking wine is so much a wisdom generator, Goddess of the same, named as Varuni or Madira, has remained one of the deity who has been explored during the churning process as a gift for the effort made during the Manthan. So, dear friends, society can say many things, family can utter many other or similar things – they all are correct in some or other ways, but the actual correct interpretation is when you explain it, with your own logic. Hence, start evaluating everything in that way, from hence forth – and never go by the words, you listen.

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